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eve wrote:
This was posted by Baconboy. -

The "Healthy" Weight Gain Shake

This shake, unlike many others is actually quite small and only fills a large glass instead of a full half gallon container, but do not let it's size fool you. Only about 2 cups it contains 1250 calories. Which consists of:
1 cup Ice cream
1/2 cup whole milk
and the key ingredient
1/4th cup CANOLA oil.

Now the key is in it's simplicity, and size. If one of these are consumed at a rate of one a day on top of a normal diet then the gain works out to be roughly 2 pounds a week.

However if 3-4 of these are consumed a day, like after every meal, then the gain can be up to 12 pounds a week. HOWEVER! That also means more dairy and sugar in the consumers diet, risking rapid weight gain and diabetes.

Rapid weight gain is dangerous because it could mean skin ulcers (the more dangerous cousin of stretchmarks) and it doesn't give the body time to adjust to its weight, meaning that mobility gets hampered quickly.

However if you really want to gain weight rapidly with less of a risk of diabetes. Drink one a day for three weeks, then begin by substituting ingredients. Replace the ice cream with gelato, replace the milk with heavy cream and increase the amount of canola oil.

I haven't done the calculations for a Gelato-Heavy Cream- Oil shake but if the oil is up to a cup per shake (which will make it incredibly runny)
it goes from 1000-1250 calories to 2500 calories, roughly. A swag of the GHO shake is probably 3000-3500 calories.

I highly recommend sticking to the basic recipe however, as it's the most stable shake and probably will not cause a stomachache.

If it does, replace the whole milk with skim till the consumer adjusts and then increase to 1% and then 2% then whole.

I am not responsible for your stupidity if you decide to switch up the recipe or get mal-nutritional related diseases from drinking this.

Ive been trying this for the past week. I use vanilla ice cream and throw in 2 bananas and make a very fattening banana shake. It taste good too and easy to drink which is nice.
10 years

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My favorite smiley

1 cup canola oil
1 quart of cream
1 pint of ice cream

FATTENS me quick!
10 years

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Shame this thread's OP is missing... smiley

Anyway, I've been throwing this together when I know my roommate is going to be out of the house!

1 Pint B&J's Vanilla Ice Cream (1000 cal)
1 Pint Half and Half (640 cal)
2 big gobs of peanut butter (?)
2 scoops of protein shake mix (310 cal)

The peanut butter is kinda hard to gauge, but I just take two massive scoops out of the jar with a tea spoon. About 14 servings in a jar, and there's 1/3rd of a jar left after two shakes, so I'll go with 5 servings * 190 calories = 950)

Comes out to roughly 2900 calories, give or take some. Really tasty too.

(I prefer this method over using PB Cup ice cream, because I find the chunky stuff just gets stuck at the bottom)...

I am definitely open to an improvement on this recipe!
10 years

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I only use 2 things in my shakes and that is a quart of heavy cream and a box of brownie mix. Mix both together and it makes a very tasty shake that's over 11,000 calories
9 years

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One Quart Heavy Cream
A partially melted Half Gallon Ice Cream
One Can of Sweetened Condensed milk
One Half Gallon of any milk other than Skim
A box of cake mix made into batter.
Hershey Syrup for Flavor Optional
10000 plus calories
9 years

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One Quart Heavy Cream
A partially melted Half Gallon Ice Cream
One Can of Sweetened Condensed milk
One Half Gallon of any milk other than Skim
A box of cake mix made into batter.
Hershey Syrup for Flavor Optional
10000 plus calories

Holy cow, can you down that before bed? I'm looking to do something where I drink something before bed.

Too much for before bed. I would suggest a third of the cake batter mix. Half Pint of Heavy Cream pint of ice cream and a Quart of milk. Should pack a good calories punch
9 years

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I'm pretty sure your glass is too small but it still sounds good.
9 years

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Welp I know I am going to have quite a chuckle going through check out with all these assorted items. This is exactly what I have been looking for. Thanks you guys! Have any of you considered posting shake making vids through the video upload system?
8 years

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I would like to make a shake one day that has a gallon of ice cream, teo boxes of brownie mix, cherry pie filling (blended smooth) heavy cream, marshmallow fluff, and chocolate syrup. I don't know how many calories it would be, but I bet it would be delicious!

I did the math and it should be about 26237 calories
Or about 7 1/2 pounds worth of calories. Sounds really good to me right now
8 years

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I of corse used regular packaging size when none was listed so I assumed a whole bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup, etc
8 years
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